"When your heart opens up tears come, it's natural...It is said in scriptures that tears of love are so precious that even angels run to collect them...The most wonderful thing on the planet, on earth is to have tears of love, tears of gratitude." ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The “30 Days of Gratitude” concept came to me in 2010, on a whim.  I had been meditating for three years, and was going through a period in my life where things were starting to shift for me personally on many levels, and I was becoming more and more aware of my tendency to come up with these really great, inspired, ideas and then never act on them.  So frustrating.  

So in attempt to bypass that part of my brain that always seemed to explain to me in great detail, why it was never going to work,  I immediately started the Facebook page "30 Days of Gratitude", put up a profile pic, and the next day announced to my Facebook friends (with much anxiety) that I was going to spend the next 30 days posting what I was grateful for and invited people to join me.   

I was SO scared of how people would respond.  I think I avoided logging into to Facebook for awhile so I could avoid the snickering comments, or worse yet, a radio silence response to my open invitation.  But to my surprise, lots of people responded positively and said they would join me…. I collected the FB postings on several peoplee and this project was supposed to be a book, but it’s just been sitting on my hard drive. Now it has a home online.