I used to earn online commissions for presenting and recommending other people’s art work on my website. I came up with an idea for grouping art that all inspired the same emotional feeling in my system.

This idea works much better in a slideshow/movie format with slowly moving images, but you will have to use your imagination a bit. My recommendation is to click on the saatchiart link (no commissions), then open up the YouTube song, press play, close your eyes, and wait 15-30 seconds to get a feeling of the song and start to tune into the lyrics. And then open your eyes and very, very slowly, scroll through the curated art gallery and see if you can feel a greater sense of emotion in each art piece from the song that’s playing. If you get to the bottom, start scrolling up and see what images you missed before.

I’ve never understood or resonated with museums as a black person. It’s very clear to me why people of color aren’t frequent patrons at museum. The images feel lifeless when I’m looking at it on the wall. I could intellectulize the image — the historic period in which it was created, tidbits of knowledge about the artist, it’s cultural impacts, etc. but I can’t FEEL the image and therefore after browsing a few paintings, I tend to get bored at most museums and they feel very “cold” to me. (There are exceptions of course like the DeYoung Museum in San Francisco which has exhibits that are much more dynamic)

Music brings images to life in my energy field and allows me feel the emotions present. My personal opinion is that if people of color designed museums or held prominent roles as art curators, you would see a lot more exhibits that involved music.

 Jesus Walks by Kanye West

Song On YouTube:


Curated Online Art Collection:


Magnificent by Elbow

Song On YouTube:


Curated Online Art Collection:


Superbad by James Brown

Song on YouTube:


Curated Online Art Collectionl


Lost On You by LP

Song On YouTube:


Curated Online Art Collection:
