Dancing With Spirit Series

I used to follow a lot of channelers like Abraham Hicks, Bashar, and Kryon. And then I started channeling my own messages from Spirit about five years ago. It involved a process similar to “automatic writing” but instead of feeling an impulse to write words, I felt impulse that pointed my finger/hand to a series of words on a page and those words formed a message. Anyone reading this might think I was talking to God, Angels, the Devil, aliens, or my own psyche. I leave that conclusion up to you as I’ve gone through my own journey to explore who exactly I was talking to you when receiving these messages and the verdict is still out.

After awhile, the impulses I was receiving in my body that translated into messages…well I started allowing myself to feel them when I dance. And the YouTube videos below are basically a form of dance channeling, which is not something I’ve come across before really. It’s sort of what one might call a heightened flow state. I called this series “Dancing With Spirit” because that’s the only way I could accurately describe the experience — what I felt and what I captured on camera.


Gravity by Sara Barilles

To anyone who doesn’t know me, this video might not seem that special. But I will give you the backstory anyway…. I had heard this song only maybe 5 times before I made this video. I liked it but I didn’t know the words really. The moves in the video were not choreographed and I am not a choreographer. Everything was completely impromptu. My mind was blank the entire time and the only thing I was aware of was the music playing and a general sense of large objects in the room and the rest of my attention was devoted to feeling impulses flow through and move my body and try not to think of anything that would get in the way of that flow.

When I look at the playback, I’m mesmerized by how the movements were accurately translating lyrics that I hadn’t committed to memory. (e.g. there’s a section where I’m throwing punches in the air right before the lyrics “you’re neither friend nor foe”) I’m also mesmerized by how graceful and precise the movements are — as I don’t carry that much grace and precision in my normal dancing.

I AM by Nirinjan Kaur

This video is the same as the others. Not choreographed and my mind was completely blank most of the time. When I play it back, I’m mesmerized by the fact that something outside of me was aware of how these movements would look in silhouette when the video was played back. It’s pretty clear at 6:31 that looking out towards the half circle and the movements that followed were part of this grander choreography that I had no awareness of. For me at that point in the dance, I was starting to worry that I wasn’t translating the impulses correctly because I was facing away from the camera so much. I couldn’t see the bigger picture at that moment in time, of how this would all look on a computer screen, which is a metaphor about so many things on my spiritual path…

Rise Up by Andra Day

This is example where I couldn’t get out of my head and stop the thoughts long enough to translate the impulses properly and so I kept slipping out out of the flow state and bending over and clapping/flowing my hands to get back in and start to feel the impulses again.

To be honest, most of the videos I made around this time are like that (where I lose the impulses intermittently) and the two videos above are the most successful. And there were some absolutely magic moments that I never captured on film when danced to faster songs like Michael Jackson’s Why You Want To Trip On Me (Where I spirit and I took turns controlling the dance moves!) and James Brown’s Superbad (where I followed a slower version of the impulses and then was able to speed it up later on my own to match the fast tempo of the song!). I don’t channel in this way anymore, but I am grateful to have had these experiences.