
Age:  28
City:  Osaka, Japan

Day 1
Woke up this morning to my boothang baby boo making us smoothies while rapping in his kitchen. Today, I am grateful for his spirit.

Day 2
Witnessed the sunrise. Today, I bow my head to the power of the sun and glorious return of morning.

Day 3

As children, when distress we often said,"I want my mommy!" Yesterday I was able to bask happily in the glory that is Grace, my mother. Today, I feel her love so deeply in my heart and realized I am be because she was. And I thankfully thought to myself, "I need my mommy!"

Day 4
Last night I did something mildly stupid. This morning, I woke up and easily forgave myself. Today, I see and honor my ability to let go and move on.

Day 5
Girl work that, work that fate! Girl work that, work that fate! Girl lemme see you shake that, shake that hate, girl drop that, drop that stank face! Today, I celebrate dropping bitter feelings through the magical super healing powers of music!

Day 6
Seldom am I needing credibility from people these days. Today, I take in how incredible that is.

Day 7
She's blunt, wildly audacious, smart, rough and gentle. We've been friends for almost 10 years. And in all those years I always find a new reason to love her. Today, one of my best came over to eat, watch Game of Thrones and sleep lol. Tiara Phalon, here's to you, our bond and cultivating unconditional love.

Day 8
Within 24 hours I was taught my life is not for me to find but rather create. There is no destiny for you, me, without creating it. It is the non space that holds the space. Today, I am grateful I understand this clearly. Day 8 of 30 days of Gratitude.

Day 9
Last night, I slept in beautiful laced detailed lingerie, alone. This morning I woke up feeling exotic, mysterious and sexy. Today, I acknowledge the little things I do for myself to put a smile on my own face when alone. Day 9 of 30 days of Gratitude.

Day 10
5:00am in the morning. Six hour work session finally over. About to rest my mind and eyes and put my coffee cup in the sink and close all these tabs and put away the note books and turn off my camera. But right before I do that, I have to give thanks for the silence of the night. In it, my mind expands into dimensions I can only dream to capture. The silence of the night, house of the living. I thank you so much, quietly to myself.

Day 11
Somebody greater than I will ever understand told me when one prays, the main objective should be one of gratitude. Without doing so, you directly express a submission to your fears. Today, I bow my head to what was, what will be and most importantly, what is. Thank you.

Day 12
Waking up this morning, I felt good. For no particular reason other than the complete awareness of my physical existence. Today, I direct my attention and love to my breath, heart and all major organs that help me exist, externally.

Day 13
Berkeley, Los Angeles and now New York. Break ups, family crisis, college graduations, new jobs, new boyfriends, old boyfriends coming back, spare of the moment trips, partying all night, mediation sessions, homemade dinners, "lawd why me?!" phone calls and etc, etc, etc of years, days and moments of building. Today, I salute my best mateVictoria L White. Today is her birthday. If you feel good for no reason today, its probably because she arrived this day bringing grace and peace with her.

Day 14
Adenike's mind: "What's the next move?! Plan and prepare!" 
Adenike's heart: "Protect me!"
Adenike's spirit: "Stay calm and carry on." Thank you spirit, sheesh!


Day 15
Today has been a rather emotional day. With life happening and all, I had several moments of silence where I stared into space as my mind traveled through my to-do list and worries. Until this very moment, I decided to smile at my worries like one warmly smiles at an old friend. I simply decided to smile. Sometimes, there is no big revelation when "going through it". You must simply do just that, go through it but I decided to smile in the process.

Day 16
I've had several "artist consulting/development" meetings this visit to The Bay. The last one really resonated with me within how intently and seriously my advice was being received. I believe before taking a title, one must earn it. I am happy and excited to earn the title "Artist consultant" so I may add it onto the Adenike Shot Me brand. Today, I recognize my skill and talent as a tool of freedom.

Day 17
The sky lies above my head, the ground below my feet. All the space in between, belongs to me! Today, I marvel and give thanks to the space provided to create my own world. My father would always tell me I was audacious and that I should take my audacity and use it to my advantage. My mind is a realm. My ideas serve as royal subjects. And I, well, am King.

Day 18
The sky lies above my head, the ground below my feet. All the space in between, belongs to me! Today, I marvel and give thanks to the space provided to create my own world. My father would always tell me I was audacious and that I should take my audacity and use it to my advantage. My mind is a realm. My ideas serve as royal subjects. And I, well, am King.

Day 19
I gave my hair a deep tea tree washing earlier. Applied coconut oil as I twisted each loc and spray Shea butter over the completed process. I've been growing my locs for a year now. After years of hair A.D.D they symbolize so much growth and consistence in my life. Today, I honor my crown in all it's raggah glory!

Day 20
Oh, what a yummy Sunday! Ate yummy Cuban food, listening to a Cuban band play with my sisters and niece. Later heading to a bday party of a couple of woman that I love dearly. Today, I say thank you to this day I am living in that is nurturing my soul. I say thank you to the healing energy I have been channeling into my life. And I say thank you to my loved ones for loving me unconditionally.

Day 21
Lawd have mercy, I was in SUCH a funk in the beginning of my day! Woke up to an irritating email, followed by an irritating text! Completely over it and for no real reason I sent my love Phil N. Guerrier a text that read, "Happy Monday dear friend" even though mine was sucking. He called me minutes later bringing calmness to my emotional storm and solutions. *Sigh* Today, I am grateful for my lovely, brilliant and beautiful friend Phillip. I don't have many men in my life I lean on and his presence means the world to me. A King recognizing another King.

Day 22
I don't deal with change particularly well. I'm nostalgic and sentimental so when change presents itself I typically react in fear. My favorite author has a quote that reads, "All that you touch, you change. All that you change, changes you. The only lasting truth is change. God is change." Today, I honor my decision to change my attitude towards the shifts in my life. Fear, you are on longer welcomed here.

Day 23
Yoga followed by yummy Indian food followed by tea tree and lavender scrub shower followed by Rose oil followed by two cups of water (followed by whatever I do next). Today, I am grateful to my melaninated temple. I'd like to take this moment to shout out my muscles, liver, lungs and heart for holding it down. Thank you melanin for protecting me. I know I will not take this body with me when I transition so I am grateful for it as I am alive. Day 23 of 30 days of Gratitude.

Day 24
There are absolutely no words to express my love and gratefulness to my older sister Kemi Amin. If you think I'm awesome, she is 95% of the reason why. Today is her birthday and I am SO honored to be the little sister of Gods very own personal assistant. Day 24 of 30 days of Gratitude.



Day 25
I haven't spoken or seen my father in quite sometime. Today he left me the silliest voicemail ever that made me smile like a school girl in love. We all have those moments when we find out our parents first names and realize their human with highs and lows just like their children. I am grateful for my father and his subtle ways of making his daughter feel like a King.

Day 26
This Saturday felt like one long continues moment. From the time I woke up until right now, I have been living in one moment. It feels like God is awakening my Shen energy and I am finally beginning to understand the meaning of oneness. With everyone I come into contact with and every thought and every feeling, I am one with the continuous flow of being present. Today, I bow my head and say thank you to the gift of now. To every single person I saw today, every smile and hug. I long to know myself, experientially.

Day 27
Sunday was that type of grey, cold and nostalgic day I secretly love. Indoor activities that warm the soul with people that warm my heart. Fall is definitely showing off her beautiful brown and orange dress. And yes to some, she's a cold b**** but to me she's a vessel for us all to enjoy the people we love the most and a smooth transition into a softer time. I am grateful to you Fall.

Day 28
I am is the single most powerful statement one can say to affirm action in their life. I am statements followed by I am actions! This is the way to shift your life. This is the way I am shifting my life. I am a King. I am living in and further creating the highest vision of love, gentleness, kindness, peace, abundance, wealth and health in my life. Today, right now, this second. Here's to affirming the Amin Kingdom!


Day 29
Thanks Ericka Duke for my gold loc charms! It is my intention to put one on every single loc until my hair looks like a gold crown. #haircrown 

Day 30
These 30 days of gratitude has been such a loving journey. Today is the last "official" day. The times I've stopped to really examine my life, I've felt silly ever to have complained about it. I am being, experientially, everything I feel myself to be. I think about my spirit now with tears in my eyes. I can feel it humming inside, smiling and guiding my mind and heart more freely. I tell you, in order for the phenix to rise, it must first burn. I bow my head to the ashes and take flight. Today, I honor the vast power of evolution.