
Age:  42
City:  Reno, Nevada

Day 1
is grateful that more and more she is catching herself slipping out of the present and able to bring herself back.

Day 2
is grateful that recently she has consciously loosed her "G.I. Joe Kung Fu Grip" on her dinero and spending on things that make her smile. The result? More money has found me. Yay!

Day 3
Grateful that she has found the courage to do something that is waaaaaaaaay, waaaaaaaaaay out of her comfort zone on August 25th and August 26th. Wish me luck!

Day 4
Grateful that she found the strength not to cuss out the racist, awful, and insulting women who performed her pedicure this evening. My home trainin' almost went right out the window ya'll! *Deep inhale . . . deep exhale*

Day 5
rateful for the wonderful, fabulous, and happy day that is already put into motion. It's gonna' be an enriching, fulfilling, and JOY FILLED day, ya'll! I hope that your day is similar.

Day 6
I'm grateful that a friend thought of me and asked if I wanted to tag along to the San Jose Jazz festival today. I couldn't say yes fast enough. I was able to have some good company/conversation on the way down and up and get my salsa on all afternoon!

Day 7
Grateful that despite her limited, but growing, Spanish skills, she was able to figure out the names of two of her favorite salsa songs. Yay! I even found a video of them being played by a live band back to back! Enjoy!

Day 8
Grateful for the unexpected ways that the Universe provides for her.


Day 9
Today's pronouncement of gratitude is partially inspired by LaShanda Greene. I am grateful for an increase in jewelry sales, the last season of Dancing With The Stars that I'm currently watching on Hulu (LaShanda recommended it and it's quite entertaining). Today, LaShanda's gratitude posting talked about utilities and appliances. And, it got me to thinking about how I am grateful for a free washer and dryer at my apartment, free utilities, and all the heat, light, and water available how I want it and when I want it.

Day 10
Grateful to Timiza Wagner who made it possible for her to retake a WONDERFUL Art of Living class that started tonight. I'll be getting my breathin' and meditation on for the next four days, ya'll. Ahhhhhhhhhhh . . .


Day 11
is grateful to organizations like People's Grocery who make it possible for her to get tons of organic produce at a fantastic price through their Grub Box Program. I'm a big believer that good and AFFORDABLE food should be available to the masses.

Day 12
Grateful she spent the day with some positive people, that the sun was out (Yay, sun!), that her new books came in the mail from Amazon, that her daddy loves her dearly (and visa versa), and that she generally has had a very pleasant day.

Day 13
is grateful for the wonderful vegetarian potluck that she got to partake of today and how nature makes such gorgeous creations that adorn her hair.

Day 14
Grateful that the sun's smiling face woke her up today and knowing that the Universe is in the process of sending her the most wonderful chocolate man with a beautiful smile to take over the sun's job.

Day 15
My mouth is hanging open, because the Universe has amazed me once again. Wow, I couldn't have though up something more perfect that what has been given to me. Wow . . . Good lookin' out U.

Day 16
Grateful that all of my Facebook friends are going to honor her request to take a very brief moment out of their day today and send her some positive energy. Why you ask? That thing that is waaaaaaay, waaaaaay out of my comfort zone is this evening at 9:30 p.m. If you are curious as to what that thing is, look at my gratitude posting on August 12th. Thanks in advance everyone and wish me luck!

Day 17
Grateful that every minute you have a new opportunity to reinvent yourself.

Day 18
is grateful that she got to Friday all in one piece, that the sun made an appearance today, that tonight she gets to enjoy something that brings her joy (salsa dancing, of course), and that, no matter what the outcome is of her dance audition, she did her very, very best.

Day 19
Grateful that the sun is shining, that she's getting some well needed rest on her couch, for the smell of Indian incense, and that she heard a rumor from a reliable source (but hasn't yet heard officially) that the folks at her Cuban/Haitain dance company audition LOVED her! Yay!

Day 20
Grateful to have had a relaxing day and got to do some intense chakra work. Ahhhhhh . . .

Day 21
Had a craving for the flavor of BBQ for weeks. So, Iā€™m grateful for the veggie burgers she's about to put on her new grill. It will have all the fixins (bbq sauce, mustard, pickles, onions, sharp cheddar cheese, and avocado). If you hear a noise in the distance, it's me gettin' my smack on! Simple pleasures are the best, aren't they?

Day 22
Grateful for the infinite choices that she has at this moment.

Day 23
Grateful for all the well wishing and positive energy from family and friends that she received this evening, that she got to the other side of her callback audition without having a nervous breakdown, and, once again, knowing that no matter what the outcome of the audition is, she did her very, very best.

Day 24
grateful for her Nicaraguan supervisor and this morning's playful, funny, and laughter filled half hour conversation about our love for salsa dancing and salsa music. You never know where you will find a kindred spirit, right?

Day 25
is grateful for the outrageous amount of fresh organic produce that you can get from dirt to plate in just a matter of a few hours. California livin' has it's benefits.

Day 26
Eternally grateful that her parking angels always have her back and that her parking karma is STRONG. I just speak it and a space magically appears. Yay!

Day 27
Grateful to have given a gift to someone today that they REALLY, REALLY seemed to enjoy and appreciate. It made me smile

Day 28
Grateful that she's had phone conversations with her sister three days in a row. It's been a long time since that happened

Day 29
Grateful that working through one of her fears resulted in something really wonderful, that she is a better/stronger person because of that journey, and that she will be more likely to face head on/challenge her perceptions/fears in the future now that she's gotten the ball rolling. Watch out world! Here I come!

Day 30
Grateful that she got through this day and her first dance rehearsal in one piece!