
Day 1
I am grateful for the beautiful beings who are in my life. Someone I missed very much reached out today. So grateful for you

Day 2
Today I am SO grateful for my life, to be alive, healthy, happy and present  I am grateful for my beautiful mother, Terri Quick who brought me into this world 37 years ago  I'm grateful for my sweet and wonderful Godson and nephew who was also born on this day, LOGAN  I Love YOU!! And for all of the beautiful people I have in my life 

Day 3
More gratitude pouring out of me (might be an all day long thing)  this morning Teige put on my favorite music, helped make our winter smoothie, and gave me the most beautiful of mornings. I'm such a lucky mama 

Day 4
Overwhelmed with gratitude for all of the beautiful birthday wishes from some very special and amazing people that I know. I feel honored to have you in my life, from long ago in the past to my present day. I cherish every one of you and hold you close in my heart, no matter how far you away you are  Thank you for your LOVE

Day 5
Thank you beautiful Amanda Rae Bojarski for making my birthday again, amazing and special 

Day 6
So grateful for the amazing the sun setting over the ocean a block away... every color one can imagine. Nothing more beautiful

Day 7
Feeling grateful and supported by my Detox friends- there's no one like them  So much love and support. Having a group of Divine and amazing like-minded people is the biggest blessing I've received over the last year and a half. 

Day 8
Gratitude... I feel it everyday  It brings amazing experiences and love one's way. Try it! Today is another beautiful warm, summer-like day. I am heading down to Agate with the extended Newport family to get the kids in the water (me included).

Day 7
Grateful today for the people who let me into their home, vulnerable, sick, and in pain.... They bring a beautiful gift to me, open their hearts and most of the time, I feel I can really be present and help them. My job is an honor, though I can't change things, I sure feel grateful that I can be of service to those less fortunate in their health. Today a family member told me she could see my energy was healing... it was like being with family 

Day 8
Grateful for the ladies in my life  They bring such beauty, energy, and blessings into my life. Makes me realize I need more girl time  Know that I feel honored and love the deepest parts of you 

Day 9
So grateful for a day with two amazing clients who mirrored back the love and deep inner work that I'm doing (thank you)  It's a sunny, bright, beautiful day here by the ocean! Got to see my sweet sister Donna for a bit (way too short of a bit), and then get to hang with my awesome friend Louise tonight with our little guys as our dates  Life is good. 

Day 10
Today I'm grateful for the challenging people that bring light into my world so that I can become a stronger, more loving person. 

Day 11
Grateful for having a new shift with someone I love