
Age:  34
City:  Los Angeles, CA

Day 1
Thankful I didn't end up doing this alone! Ha! I'm grateful people in all parts of the world are excited about this and participating. Also grateful for Facebook and it's power to connect people and ideas.

Day 2
Grateful I missed my bus to Stern Grove yesterday and had to take a different one that ended up somewhere even more beautiful.  Also grateful for public transportation and friends kind enough to pick me up from BART stations -- all of which make it possible for me to live here without a car.

Day 3
Grateful for Google and the Internet and the convenience they provide, but mostly how they both make it so easy for me to increase my knowledge on any subject, learn how to do new things, and satisfy my insatiable curiosty about anything and everything, all at the click of a button.

Day 4
Grateful for honest conversations, heartfelt advice, and moments of clarity.

Day 5
I'm grateful to all of my Art of Living teachers: Timiza Wagner, Denise Marcus, Abhimanyu Sud, Clarke Weatherspoon, Gaurav Vashist, Anil Dindigal, Casti Cimpian, Sushil Nachnani, Tara Mathur, Andrew Korza, and of course Sri Sri. Thank you for these tools, the knowledge, and for the expansion. I feel limitless.

Day 6
Grateful for the opportunity to grow some of my own food and continue increasing my awareness around where my food is coming from. Clearing beds, testing/amending soil, and maybe picking out seeds this weekend. Excited.

Day 7
is grateful to all the people over the years who planted and maintained all of tall gorgeous trees and the divinely scented, beautiful flowers in my neighborhood, all of which made my walk home yesterday so pleasant.

Day 8
Grateful for a wallet lost and later recovered, new and old friends who
lent me money, understanding cab drivers, bus drivers who look the other way with expired transfers, and the comfort of home after a very long day.


Day 9
is grateful for second chances, both given and received.

Day 10
is grateful for my 15 second commute to work during the past few years, and all the extra time it's brought into my life.


Day 11
Grateful for dance in all its many forms, the sheer joy it brings into my life, and for all of the smiles that show up on my face while I'm on the dance floor -- especially when I'm being dipped. :~) Note to self: Dance more often.

Day 12
Feeling peaceful and happy and grateful for many things today. Attentive landlords, Casual Monday-Fridays, pants that fit, an overflowing Life to-do list that continues to gives me purpose, and a little sun for my new garden -- the first it's seen in almost a week!


Day 13
Grateful for sounds of children laughing, seeing the ocean today, Anita Baker, good news from friends, new baby leaves in my garden, and "free" Outsidelands Festival tickets. Woo hoo! Bring on the weekend!

Day 14
Grateful for 511 Trip Planner, the wonderful world of dirt (i.e. soil), meyer lemon trees, community gardens, the kindness of "strangers", and the smell of freshly cut lavender and sage.


Day 15
Grateful for a fun and beautiful day filled with amazing talent, music, and energy. Also grateful for good company, shared experiences, and friends that eat pizza with me after I specifically say don't let me order the pizza. ;~)

Day 16
is grateful for having many things to look forward to and for the excitement of the unknown.

Day 17
Grateful to be alive in a period of time where there are so many opportunities to change things in the world. Grateful for social movements at every phase and for people sharing their vision of how things could be.


Day 18
Grateful to have a fridge that works, a free washer and dryer in my apartment so I don't have to go to a laundromat, instant hot water for my morning shower, and great water pressure.


Day 19
Grateful for naturopaths and the increasing consciousness around disease prevention and alternative forms of medicine.

Day 20
Grateful for an ever expanding comfort zone that's invited such richness and depth to my life. Grateful for all the ways I remain open, when I'm given plenty of reasons and opportunities not to...

Day 21
is grateful for a weekend of downtime and me time, where I can sleep in, and get caught up on all of the little things, including a long overdue mani/pedi appointment.


Day 22
Grateful for the beautiful and unique experience that is Glide Memorial Church and for the healing power of unconditional love and acceptance.

Day 23
Oh so grateful for kriya and meditation and to Clarke Weatherspoon for introducing me to both. Grateful for communication and understanding that is beyond words, and for the opportunity to celebrate life.

Day 24
Grateful for the endless days of fog that have made this recent wave of heat and sunshine so magical and glorious. And no, you are not allowed for the next 48 hours to utter the words "It's too hot."

Day 25
Grateful to have a job that's teeming with kind, inspiring, and supportive people. Grateful to be greeted with friendly faces and smiles each day I come to work.

Day 26
Grateful for my sense of humor and my smile.

Day 27
Grateful for honesty, perspective, and dispassion. Grateful for love. Especially on the days when I realize it is my very nature, not some elusive, external, moving target.

Day 28
Grateful for privilege and having so many options. Grateful for timeless wisdom and kind words spoken from the heart. And for the second day in row, grateful for love in all forms and from all sources.

Day 29
Grateful for extended phone conversations with my mother that include lots of laughter. Grateful for her continued love, guidance, and wisdom, despite the fact that "I think" I'm grown.

Day 30
Grateful for the increased awareness of just how blessed, lucky, favored, and well taken care of, I am. Always. Thankful for the grace that is flowing in my life these days and the harmony that exists between my spiritual life and my intellect. Grateful for chances taken and everything that has flowed from simply asking the question "what if ?"

Tell us about yourself…who is LaShanda?

On a mundane level, I guess you could say I’m African-American, a woman, a daughter, a U.S. citizen, a dancer, an educator, an accountant, an uplifter, a healer, a meditator, a gratitude junkie, a traveler, a procrastinator, a lover…  On an expanded level, I am a citizen of the Universe.  I am a reflection of Divinity.  I am a projection of my thoughts.  I am spirit having an experience in human form. I feel like I could go on forever listing all of my qualities and still never capture the essence of who I am.   Plus every moment I think I’ve got it, and finally figure out who I am, a new shift occurs and the evolution continues.

How would you describe your spirituality / spiritual path?

When people ask me what I believe in, I tell them that I believe in Human Values.  Values like love, kindness, compassion, connection, Oneness, and service.  It’s easier for me to connect with people and it’s hard for me to get into a conflict with other people, if I’m approaching them from that vantage point.  My spiritual practices include practicing gratitude, and breathing and meditating on a daily basis -- sometimes up to an hour each day.  All of these things keep me centered, grounded, and connected.  I’m addicted to the feeling of being in touch with the inner part of my soul and look forward to going inward each day.

Why did you start the gratitude challenge?

Because an inspirational idea came to me, and I chose to act on it, instead of focusing on all the reasons why it wouldn’t work and letting self-doubt make me believe nobody would participate.