
Age:  23
City:  Toledo, Ohio


Day 1
Today I am grateful for so many things. The sun is delicious, The colors are beautiful. Yellow Dogbane, Yellow milkweeds..flaming red maple, delicious purple concords..The sky is so blue..

Day 2
Today, I am grateful to be going on a road trip to Wisconsin and that I'm driving.

Day 3
Today I am grateful for this beautiful journey...
Something happens after you align with the Divine for a while.

You begin feeling on a cellular level
that things are unfolding exactly
in the way that they should.
At the rate and timing they need.

You start to trust the process.

You relax from the endless pushing
that most of us learned at birth.
On some fundamental, mysterious level,
you just let go.

Not with that bitterness people feel
when they fear the (ego's) dreams won't occur.
Not with passivity
as right actions do get shown.

Rather you relax into this calm curiosity 
about where the flow might go.
You're detached yet somehow riveted
by how the story will unfold.
You feel spaciously receptive
and open to what wishes to come.

You give it all room to blossom.
You trust the highest,
one way or another,
eventually will unfold.

You know that with God as your Source
you needn't cling to any one plan
And you're not clutching a list of desires,
pushing the ego's agenda even more.

When you're in cycles of quite and waiting,
you catch your breath
knowing the wheel again will turn.

You rest because as the right actions
get revealed 
a lot will arise to be done.
You wait for the signs and the timing
rather than rip open the cocoon.

You trust that delays might be welcome.
You trust that delays might be good.
You trust that delays are all perfect.

And you stay present
just to witness your own birth -Tosha Silver


Day 4
Today I am grateful for all you selfless healers, and my own inner healer. And for the herbs of the field, and their beautiful relationship with the cells of our bodies.


Day 5
Today I am grateful for the nostalgic feeling I get on a rainy fall morning sipping ginger tea while listening to oldies music.


Day 6
I am grateful and excited to that today I get to sing with the talented Becca Roosinski at Saint Pauls episcopal church on the corner of ridge & high at 10:30 am.  


Today I am feeling gratitude for my family, community and the strength of the human spirit.

Day 8
Its a beautiful October morning, Sunshine and color. I am glad to to have the upper body function for yoga like stretching. It feels good to have loose legs, hips, and torso. one gets stiff after sitting in a chair all day. I am grateful for this one day at a time, one moment at a time journey. 

Day 9
Grateful for those beautiful souls who shine so brightly, and help me find my joy when all seems dark. And for my body’s innate healing genius at knowing how to find balance every time. Its gorgeous out! Store up the the sun before winter folks! Your body will thank you in the dark of december.


Day 10
Grateful today for the "Bad" in life as well as the Good. The contrast serves as a teacher and helps me learn to walk in balance.


Day 11
Grateful today to create tasty dishes of wild rice and veggies with my little sister, to share with the family. While I enjoy my grapes 


Day's 12-13
Grateful to spend a quiet weekend in the woods with family, old friends and new friends. It was fun to serenade some folks while they were shelling a huge pile of Black Walnuts, literally dancing the hulls off with their feet, then nice conversations around dinner as they graciously listened to me ramble on about healing and detoxifying the body, the nature of the lymphatic system and the virtues of grapes...also learning through my dreams and social situations, being around oh so tempting foods..contemplating human nature and my own emotional processes.. such learning, such growing. I am indeed grateful for it all.

Day 14
Today is Grateful for the beauty of hope & anticipation, the beauty of feeling that something good and exciting is just around the next bend. It's like walking through the woods in autumn, amazed at every beautiful scene along the trail.


Day 15
Today I’m grateful for having gone on many adventures across turtle island. Lets remember her beauty, her gifts, and may we learn to live as natives here, giving her the love and respect she has so patiently been waiting for.


Day 16
So Grateful for each new day. A chance to let go of yesterdays old habits and regrets. The process of change, like the ripening of fruit, growing in the sweetness of each living moment.


Day 17
So happy the sun is out! Today is Grateful for an awesome massage. Thank you.


Day 18
Today I am grateful for the wonderful evening spent with friends last night at the Joy center, and the inspiring amazing quote shared by Regina Buckroe Gort which came from a friend of hers : "Never be ashamed of your struggle. It is the before that paves the way for a glorious after" - Oubria Tronshaw 


Day 19
Today is grateful for my body and the things he teaches me when i don't listen.


Day 20
Today, I am grateful for the beautiful words in the following video. Listen closely. Love and enjoy each moment for the gift that it is. Big Love and happy moments to all ♥ ♥Higher Purpose Healing

Day 21
Today I’m grateful for the very feeling of gratitude. Also for Joy and Love and appreciation. It feels good to feel good!


Day 22
So Grateful for the variety and abundance of this years local harvest. Beautiful apples, concord grapes, melons, squash and potatoes and greens. Thank you local farmers! with Higher Purpose Healing

Day 23
Feeling Gratitude for my wonderful dedicated brother and the beauty and support of family. Thank you Eric.

Day 24
So grateful today for the simple peace of being in the moment. No past regrets, no future worries. Just the beauty of Now. Sunlight coming through my eyes, wind on my face, heart pumping in my chest, the breath of life filling my lungs.

Day 25
Today is grateful i am able to be of service to others. It was interesting to drive another wheelchair user to an event  

Day 26
I have gratitude today for the process of personal growth and the resolve to always do my best.

Day 27
Today I am grateful for this gift of herbal tea, an old book written by a professor in the 1900's, a burning beeswax candle, and an ornate little box gifted by a friend. Cupid graces the lid  .Thank you. Miigwetch  
Day 28
Today, I am grateful for the ability to find emotional balance and the lessons learned from the times I slip out of my ideal way of being. I am thankful for the individuals who are the teachers in my everyday experience. I am grateful for my physical bodies ability to find balance. And im thoroughly enjoying an abundance of valencia oranges!  

Day 29
Today I am grateful for the earth's song. Sometimes i hear it and feel it, even when im in the basement of a modern building. It has a certain resonance that vibrates through our organic physical bodies. It extends outward connecting to all that is. 
I recall the feeling of walking barefoot on the earth, taking in all the beauty around me, her song flowing through me, not thinking of past nor worried about the future. We are children, nurtured by her, playing here in creation. Her joyful song flows through us in the sound of a didgeridoo, or the voice of a mongolian throat song. The sound of creation. Enjoy your body. Go play!

Day 30
I am so grateful for all the beautiful grandmothers in my life. They are worthy of our time. Take time to connect with your elders, they have much to share with us. The right elder is out there for you. They don't have to be human..I tend to think of trees as elders, mountains, rivers, cats, dogs, your eyes and hearts my friends and soak up the richness of their wisdom  


What did you learn participating in this experience?

Well, I am so grateful, that I decided to participate in this. I have noticed a steady progression over the month. The more I thought to be grateful for, the more I saw to be grateful for and more of that has shown up in my experience. The feeling grew, and my gratitude has gotten bigger. I had a few moments here when tears were flowing down my face, and all I could do was smile, open my arms, look to the sky and say thank you, thank you ,thank you. I felt compelled to share it with others, and I feel that gratitude and love are twins. One is the best friend of the other. I would be at different places around town, and people would say, I really enjoy your posts, keep them coming. I realized again how much I enjoy encouraging others, and how good that feels. It makes me so happy to spread the love and watch it flow in its infinite cycle. I am encouraged to keep this practice going. It's so fun!

Was there any day that stood out for you the most?  If so, why?

Day 18 stands out for me. At this event I realized the power of encouraging words and sharing the gratitude from my heart. I was also inspired. That experience has encouraged me to get out there more and inspire others. I feel a sense of purpose. It gives more meaning to my existence.