Q: Why are you helping us?

“We have been observing you all. We came here to help all humans on Earth in their time of need. We have been observing that you keep incarnating on Earth but repeating the same mistakes, and then you become trapped because you have lost the ability to make new decisions. Because you can’t make any new decisions, the world you live in every day is chaotic and filled with pressures. Therefore your “perception” is that Earth is a difficult place to live.

Incarnation causes souls to believe they are on a mission and this belief creates a cycle, and this cycle has created a series of lives on Earth for each human. Few know about any of this. Although human beings are not aware, we have been using telepathic means to help you think in new ways, such as projecting images of spaceships into your collective conscious awareness. But that storyline can’t take place in your reality, without also attracting attention from the military.

Humans have developed a strange philosophy around death. This belief about the finality of death doesn’t allow you to see the entirety of your lifetimes, only the small portion you are currently experiencing. This perspective is preventing you from becoming aware of these things. We are help you to become more consciously aware of your perception of reality.”

~Fuar of Chariat (Channeled by LaShanda Greene)

Q: Is it possible to experience connection on Facebook?

Q: Is it possible to experience connection on Facebook?

"This question that you have asked.  When it is finally encountered.  The world will be a beautiful experience.

At this moment in time, Facebook is highly distorted.  And therefore the three main elements of connection (honesty, vulnerability, shared experience) are not present.  Connection becomes virtually impossible. 

On Facebook, you only present what you want others to see about you.  You are afraid to be yourself.  You learned this in childhood...to be frightened of being who you fully are.  Self expression was limited...even forbidden by your parents.

Nobody is honest.  You post smiling photos of you with friends and family, when you feel completely different...when you know those relationships are toxic.  Presenting an honest and undistorted version of yourself would allow others to connect with you. 

To create a shared experience, there is a mutual relationship where a person's emotions are visible and shared in response to something someone else shares.  You have so many online friends.  People tend to come and go sporadically. Therefore meaningful emotional investment in what other people are sharing seems pointless."

Q:  But there's something to be said for the enjoyment of having conversations with people who share your interests. That's better than being alone, isn't it?

"No it isn't.

All of this association without connection that goes on on Facebook is very strange to us.

You post an article.

But where are YOU?

You post a picture of yourself.

But where are YOU?

You like somebody's post.

But where are YOU?

Nobody can find you.

They don't know who you are.

They don't know what you think and feel about that article. They don't know why it's so important to you.

They don't know what you were thinking when you took that selfie.

They don't know what you feel about their post.

They don't know who you are.

How do you expect them to connect with you? 

Without connection, your soul feels alone.  Your heart desires connection but you settle for likes and emojis, because they make you feel less alone.  That is why all this interacting online without connecting is no better than being alone.  They are the same feeling."

~TAVA of Chariat (Channeled by LaShanda Greene)

A Pandemic of Loneliness

Q: What should we know about human connection in order to complete the ascension process?

“You are starving for connection in your relationships with one another.  You are surrounded by people but there is a Pandemic of loneliness.  You spend time together but you are far apart.  You know facts about each other and your lives, but you only scratch the surface. You mistake kindness, support, affection, proximity, politeness, and physical attraction, for connection. 

What does it mean for two human beings to connect?  You have no idea. 

There are three main things required for connection.  Vulnerability. Shared Experience.  Honesty.  If any one of these elements is missing in your relating, there will be disconnection.  Human relationships are so dysfunctional because usually, at least one of these elements is largely absent.  Sometimes, all of them are missing.

You and your partner sit together on the couch at night, and watch TV together.  You hold hands.  There is closeness.  There is a shared activity.  But there is no shared experience.

You talk with your friend on the phone about your summer vacation plans.  Where you're going to stay, the activities you signed up for, what outfits you bought.  You hang up.  You just spent an hour with another human being and avoided being vulnerable. You managed not to reveal anything personal about yourself or how you felt about them.

You feel that your co-worker is not doing their fair share and the burden is falling on you, but you don't say anything to her.  You are angry that your boss hired a new supervisor from outside the department instead of considering you for the job.  You don't say anything to him.  You spend 8 hours a day with these people, everyday, and there's no honesty.  They never know what you really think about them.

These scenarios are a mirror.  Allow yourself to sit with your own reflection.

It is impossible to have a relationship with another human being and experience connection if you are not willing to risk being vulnerable and only share the play-by-play details of your life.  They will never be able to connect with you if they never know what you honestly think about them or other things in your life.  If you do things together and you don't stop to ask them about their experience and connect it to your own experience in that moment, you might as well be doing it alone.”

Q: What if you're in a relationship with someone who is unable to be honest, vulnerable, or share in your experiences?

“There are people all over the world who come into this incarnation with a karmic blueprint that makes it impossible for them to connect with other human beings.  It would be difficult to find a partner who has mastered all three of these elements.  You have a choice whether to continue the connection.  But taking a loving approach by allowing them to be in an environment with a partner who practices and demonstrates these things would be a beautiful service to offer, and would allow them to develop in these areas.”

Channeled by LaShanda Greene

Q: Are the Dynamics of Facebook the same as Instagram?

“When you think about the images that many people post on Instagram, they capture love...natural beauty...the small but magical moments in life. Thousands and thousands of images posted every day. This is energy. A frequency was generated.

At the same time, there was a collective desire, and ultimately a resolve, to create original “music”. To be free from old energy...old patterns... This is the experience your soul was desiring. The energy that opened up with this particular platform allowed access to people and things that goes well beyond the scope of what would normally be accessible within the karmic limitations of your physical incarnation. While Facebook reinforces karmic relationships, Instagram diverges from them.

As you consciously select who to follow, your begin to turn your attention away from a life filled with karmic patterns and relationships. As you focus in this manner, you direct your life force energy toward new images and ideas about who you are and why you’re here. You find yourself in a new place, one that was not possible had you never left “home”. And you begin to feel more alive. You then you look back and you can hardly recognize yourself. You can see that your old patterns no longer fit who you’re evolving into... This is the potential of Instagram.”

Q: Do inter dimensional beings create Instagram accounts to interact with human beings and show us new ideas?


Are you able to do this because of the frequency that’s being generated by the entire platform?


Q: Why do so many people have a love/hate relationship with Facebook?

“You post personal information about yourself on Facebook...largely because everyone else is doing it. But by doing so, you reveal the parts of your life that you normally keep hidden from view. In doing so, you become vulnerable and most people are not comfortable with being vulnerable. There is a conflict between your desire to connect with others and your desire to avoid being so open...so vulnerable.

And the other side of it is that you interact with others and you look at their life through the lens of their public persona and it makes you instantly feel that you have been living short of your own potential. So now your desire to connect is in conflict with your sense of self-worth.

You are often blind to all these feelings of internal conflict and the social media experience brings them to the surface for you to look at.

The strong majority of your personal connections in life are karmic. The energy of Facebook reinforces these karmic connections. There are forces operating behind the scenes that go beyond software algorithms, that determine who and what shows up in your FB news feed, and when. New FB friend suggestions are karmic. That does not mean you necessarily shared a past lifetime together, but it does mean you share the same pattern in your energy field. Many friends of friends share the same karmic energy.

Your karmic connections are energetically designed to bring all sorts of things to your conscious awareness. This is magnified by social media, and all of this is what you step into every time you log on. You love feeling connected. You hate the internal conflict it brings to your awareness.”

Q: Why are different channelers giving different reasons for the COVID virus?

Q: I've noticed that there's differences between myself and other channelers I follow (Kryon, Bashar, etc.) with regards to our messages about the reasons for the COVID virus.  Can you explain this?

"When channelers channel messages for others, it is a process that allows them to become more conscious and to understand the magnitude of the gravitational pull that their subconscious beliefs have and how they induce a trance like state of mind. The process of observing these beliefs with awareness, helps break the trance. 

When someone seeks answers to questions about physical circumstances, such as the COVID virus, you are looking outward into a physical world where you are caught up with the dramas of work, relationships, politics, etc.  You believe you are in pursuit of an external answer to an external question. 

But you cannot reach your destination because your experience of physical reality is shaped by your subconscious beliefs.  And therefore the storyline you experience within the COVID Pandemic is directed by you.  The meaning you assign to why this is in your reality, will determine your perception of everything that happens.

Each channeler holds different subconscious beliefs.  Therefore their messages will often be skewed towards the beliefs they are still in the process of bringing to conscious awareness, because this is their truth in that moment. 

With each message that is shared, anxieties and feelings that exist beneath their subconscious mind are released. They are doing this for their own freedom, not because they possess the TRUTH.  You will find resonance with channelers whose subconscious beliefs mirror your own."

~WEU of Chariat (Channeled by LaShanda Greene)

Q: For people in the U.S. dealing with COVID, what are the main types of energetic blockages in the lung meridian?

Q: I've noticed that the U.S. seems to have more Coronavirus cases per capita than many other countries.  Why are we being affected more?  How does this relate to the lung meridian?

"All of humanity forms the unified field -- the one holy body of Sophia Christ.  This is reflected in your geography.  The blockages in your energy meridians determine the geographic location of your incarnation."

Q: What are the main types of blockages in the lung meridian carried by those who live in the U.S.?

"1.Feeling emotions, but won't discuss them

2.Society maintains a belief that the emotions don't exist. And immediately medicates instead of inquiring into why.

3.Feeling a need to defend yourself against fellow citizens

4.Carrying lots of suppressed anger

5.Constanyly being in a state of fear and looking out for danger"

Q: Why is the lung meridian being cleared at this moment in time on the planet?

"A holy human being is being created.  It is through the breath that we understand that the Holy Spirit is Infinite.  The lung meridian allows the breath to circulate the life force. The breath is a Stargate through which your Innate holiness flows."

ZUP of CHARIAT (Channeled By LaShanda Greene)

Q: Is everyone going through this COVID timeline?

Q: Is everyone going through this Covid timeline? 


Q: How is it possible for human beings to share a collective reality, yet skip a timeline completely?

"Even though humans share a collective reality, each individual plucks different strings on the same lyre.  Each string represents internal forces being expressed from within and projected externally. 

Man is currently shaking off very dark emotions that his consciousness has suppressed and forgotten.  His karma will dictate his experience and perspective and whether or not he intersects with certain timelines."

Q: So you're saying there are human beings that physically exist on the planet Earth, that share this same incarnation, whom I will never meet because we never shared this timeline? 


They simply never show up in my reality?


Q: How is it determined when the Covid timeline will end?

“The Covid Timeline originated with energetic imbalances created during a human's first incarnation/lifetime on Earth.  You lacked sympathy for human suffering.  The Covid experience creates the opportunity to have a conversation about ‘How do you respond to human suffering?’

Energy is accumulated.  However, not very many know of this. Only certain planets have been able to develop an understanding of compassion.  Those who have done so, are able to accumulate this energy and magnify it to everyone throughout the Universe, including those on Earth.  Despite these efforts from those on the outside, even though human beings on Earth have tried very hard to develop compassion, many have failed.

Developing compassion is one the most difficult things for humans to learn, but it is especially difficult while experiencing great amounts of fear.  This timeline provides an opportunity to learn how to practice compassion in the face of fear.  The frequency of compassion exists even though physical reality is ultimately an illusion.

The entirety of creation is working toward the same goal.  In order to achieve that goal,  any unresolved energetic residues that an individual may be carrying that prohibit the development of compassion and block perception of Oneness are now being brought to the surface and cleared.  This timeline will end when you learn how to respond to these types of challenges with love and awareness."

Q: So is it possible for an individual to reach these goals personally and leave this timeline, even if the majority of others do not?


~QEDS of CHARIAT (Channeled By LaShanda Greene)

The World Is A Projected Image Of Your Thoughts

"The world is a projected image of your thoughts.













The world is a projected image of your thoughts.

The mind is suffering.

It approaches the problem backward.

It is futile to try to change the projected images.

The mind is suffering.

Intervention becomes necessary.

Simple directions.

Please trust the process."

~ WEU of Chariat (Channeled By LaShanda Greene)