Q: Is it possible to experience connection on Facebook?

Q: Is it possible to experience connection on Facebook?

"This question that you have asked.  When it is finally encountered.  The world will be a beautiful experience.

At this moment in time, Facebook is highly distorted.  And therefore the three main elements of connection (honesty, vulnerability, shared experience) are not present.  Connection becomes virtually impossible. 

On Facebook, you only present what you want others to see about you.  You are afraid to be yourself.  You learned this in childhood...to be frightened of being who you fully are.  Self expression was limited...even forbidden by your parents.

Nobody is honest.  You post smiling photos of you with friends and family, when you feel completely different...when you know those relationships are toxic.  Presenting an honest and undistorted version of yourself would allow others to connect with you. 

To create a shared experience, there is a mutual relationship where a person's emotions are visible and shared in response to something someone else shares.  You have so many online friends.  People tend to come and go sporadically. Therefore meaningful emotional investment in what other people are sharing seems pointless."

Q:  But there's something to be said for the enjoyment of having conversations with people who share your interests. That's better than being alone, isn't it?

"No it isn't.

All of this association without connection that goes on on Facebook is very strange to us.

You post an article.

But where are YOU?

You post a picture of yourself.

But where are YOU?

You like somebody's post.

But where are YOU?

Nobody can find you.

They don't know who you are.

They don't know what you think and feel about that article. They don't know why it's so important to you.

They don't know what you were thinking when you took that selfie.

They don't know what you feel about their post.

They don't know who you are.

How do you expect them to connect with you? 

Without connection, your soul feels alone.  Your heart desires connection but you settle for likes and emojis, because they make you feel less alone.  That is why all this interacting online without connecting is no better than being alone.  They are the same feeling."

~TAVA of Chariat (Channeled by LaShanda Greene)