A Pandemic of Loneliness

Q: What should we know about human connection in order to complete the ascension process?

“You are starving for connection in your relationships with one another.  You are surrounded by people but there is a Pandemic of loneliness.  You spend time together but you are far apart.  You know facts about each other and your lives, but you only scratch the surface. You mistake kindness, support, affection, proximity, politeness, and physical attraction, for connection. 

What does it mean for two human beings to connect?  You have no idea. 

There are three main things required for connection.  Vulnerability. Shared Experience.  Honesty.  If any one of these elements is missing in your relating, there will be disconnection.  Human relationships are so dysfunctional because usually, at least one of these elements is largely absent.  Sometimes, all of them are missing.

You and your partner sit together on the couch at night, and watch TV together.  You hold hands.  There is closeness.  There is a shared activity.  But there is no shared experience.

You talk with your friend on the phone about your summer vacation plans.  Where you're going to stay, the activities you signed up for, what outfits you bought.  You hang up.  You just spent an hour with another human being and avoided being vulnerable. You managed not to reveal anything personal about yourself or how you felt about them.

You feel that your co-worker is not doing their fair share and the burden is falling on you, but you don't say anything to her.  You are angry that your boss hired a new supervisor from outside the department instead of considering you for the job.  You don't say anything to him.  You spend 8 hours a day with these people, everyday, and there's no honesty.  They never know what you really think about them.

These scenarios are a mirror.  Allow yourself to sit with your own reflection.

It is impossible to have a relationship with another human being and experience connection if you are not willing to risk being vulnerable and only share the play-by-play details of your life.  They will never be able to connect with you if they never know what you honestly think about them or other things in your life.  If you do things together and you don't stop to ask them about their experience and connect it to your own experience in that moment, you might as well be doing it alone.”

Q: What if you're in a relationship with someone who is unable to be honest, vulnerable, or share in your experiences?

“There are people all over the world who come into this incarnation with a karmic blueprint that makes it impossible for them to connect with other human beings.  It would be difficult to find a partner who has mastered all three of these elements.  You have a choice whether to continue the connection.  But taking a loving approach by allowing them to be in an environment with a partner who practices and demonstrates these things would be a beautiful service to offer, and would allow them to develop in these areas.”

Channeled by LaShanda Greene