Q: For people in the U.S. dealing with COVID, what are the main types of energetic blockages in the lung meridian?

Q: I've noticed that the U.S. seems to have more Coronavirus cases per capita than many other countries.  Why are we being affected more?  How does this relate to the lung meridian?

"All of humanity forms the unified field -- the one holy body of Sophia Christ.  This is reflected in your geography.  The blockages in your energy meridians determine the geographic location of your incarnation."

Q: What are the main types of blockages in the lung meridian carried by those who live in the U.S.?

"1.Feeling emotions, but won't discuss them

2.Society maintains a belief that the emotions don't exist. And immediately medicates instead of inquiring into why.

3.Feeling a need to defend yourself against fellow citizens

4.Carrying lots of suppressed anger

5.Constanyly being in a state of fear and looking out for danger"

Q: Why is the lung meridian being cleared at this moment in time on the planet?

"A holy human being is being created.  It is through the breath that we understand that the Holy Spirit is Infinite.  The lung meridian allows the breath to circulate the life force. The breath is a Stargate through which your Innate holiness flows."

ZUP of CHARIAT (Channeled By LaShanda Greene)