Q: Why are different channelers giving different reasons for the COVID virus?

Q: I've noticed that there's differences between myself and other channelers I follow (Kryon, Bashar, etc.) with regards to our messages about the reasons for the COVID virus.  Can you explain this?

"When channelers channel messages for others, it is a process that allows them to become more conscious and to understand the magnitude of the gravitational pull that their subconscious beliefs have and how they induce a trance like state of mind. The process of observing these beliefs with awareness, helps break the trance. 

When someone seeks answers to questions about physical circumstances, such as the COVID virus, you are looking outward into a physical world where you are caught up with the dramas of work, relationships, politics, etc.  You believe you are in pursuit of an external answer to an external question. 

But you cannot reach your destination because your experience of physical reality is shaped by your subconscious beliefs.  And therefore the storyline you experience within the COVID Pandemic is directed by you.  The meaning you assign to why this is in your reality, will determine your perception of everything that happens.

Each channeler holds different subconscious beliefs.  Therefore their messages will often be skewed towards the beliefs they are still in the process of bringing to conscious awareness, because this is their truth in that moment. 

With each message that is shared, anxieties and feelings that exist beneath their subconscious mind are released. They are doing this for their own freedom, not because they possess the TRUTH.  You will find resonance with channelers whose subconscious beliefs mirror your own."

~WEU of Chariat (Channeled by LaShanda Greene)