Q: Is everyone going through this COVID timeline?

Q: Is everyone going through this Covid timeline? 


Q: How is it possible for human beings to share a collective reality, yet skip a timeline completely?

"Even though humans share a collective reality, each individual plucks different strings on the same lyre.  Each string represents internal forces being expressed from within and projected externally. 

Man is currently shaking off very dark emotions that his consciousness has suppressed and forgotten.  His karma will dictate his experience and perspective and whether or not he intersects with certain timelines."

Q: So you're saying there are human beings that physically exist on the planet Earth, that share this same incarnation, whom I will never meet because we never shared this timeline? 


They simply never show up in my reality?


Q: How is it determined when the Covid timeline will end?

“The Covid Timeline originated with energetic imbalances created during a human's first incarnation/lifetime on Earth.  You lacked sympathy for human suffering.  The Covid experience creates the opportunity to have a conversation about ‘How do you respond to human suffering?’

Energy is accumulated.  However, not very many know of this. Only certain planets have been able to develop an understanding of compassion.  Those who have done so, are able to accumulate this energy and magnify it to everyone throughout the Universe, including those on Earth.  Despite these efforts from those on the outside, even though human beings on Earth have tried very hard to develop compassion, many have failed.

Developing compassion is one the most difficult things for humans to learn, but it is especially difficult while experiencing great amounts of fear.  This timeline provides an opportunity to learn how to practice compassion in the face of fear.  The frequency of compassion exists even though physical reality is ultimately an illusion.

The entirety of creation is working toward the same goal.  In order to achieve that goal,  any unresolved energetic residues that an individual may be carrying that prohibit the development of compassion and block perception of Oneness are now being brought to the surface and cleared.  This timeline will end when you learn how to respond to these types of challenges with love and awareness."

Q: So is it possible for an individual to reach these goals personally and leave this timeline, even if the majority of others do not?


~QEDS of CHARIAT (Channeled By LaShanda Greene)