Podcast Interview

Podcast Interview: Align For Health

“After being diagnosed with a chronic illness for almost 10 years, I spent two years anxiously going from doctor to doctor, trying to get them to explain to me why my symptoms were spiraling out of control, why my body was forming a tumor, and why I was suffering from everything from chronic fatigue to itching all over my body. I felt powerless, overwhelmed, and angry that they couldn’t fix me.

But all of that changed when I discovered the powerful combination of living foods, herbal botanticals, and a daily mindfulness practice – which I collectively refer to as Holistic Detox. I was able to address the true root causes of my health issues, and allow my body to heal itself in record time, instead of waiting for someone else to fix me.” -LaShanda Greene

Podcast Interview: Inspired Conversations - Detoxification is the Road to “Wellville"

ashanda Greene Holistic Health Educator, Specializing in Detoxification & Cellular Regeneration where she works with several alternative healing modalities to remove the mental, emotional, and physical toxins that are at the root of your health issues and blocking the flow of your life force energy. Her passion is reintroducing people to health, vitality, and purpose.  So getting the body healthy again is only the first step.

What excites her is when people regain the energy to start checking things off their “bucket list” and spending quality time with the people they love….

What inspires her is seeing people getting excited about life again and reconnecting with their purpose for being on the planet…

What brings her joy is watching the world benefit from people who have come alive again and begin to start sharing their unique gifts and talents with others…

Detoxification is the road to “Wellville” for those willing to travel, but it’s also a platform for reconnecting with your true Self and the things that make you feel joy, love, inspiration, and excitement.


Podcast Interview: Empowered Women's Channel - Holistic Health

Don’t know about you-but we want to live lives that are full of vibrancy, hope and extreme self care. In this episode of the Empowered Women’s Channel podcast, Sacred Circle member LaShanda Greene dishes up some inspiring tips and advice on how to really pay attention to what our bodies might be telling us (or in some cases even screaming at us) and subtle ways to start making some significant changes through diet and lifestyle. The girls chat with LaShanda about off the mainstream path healing modalities and how we all might add a little extra zing into our steps by taking the proper care of ourselves.