I Agree With Donald Trump

I agree with President Trump.

The other day I heard Senator Cruz warn that Republicans could see a “bloodbath” on Election Day if voters were angry and broke. There’s countless news article that refer to the election races as “battles”, and even the swing states are referred to as “battleground” states. A reporter noted that Trump supporters tuned into the last presidential debate to witness a smack down of wrestlemania-like proportions, not an intellectual discussion of policy. Trump in one corner of the ring, Biden in the other. Who will emerge victorious? Wait. Is this an election? Or does our psyche believe we are at war, and we don’t even realize it?

I watched the Vice Presidential debates and had to turn it off. Watching Pence was painful. I felt compassion for him. I imagined the inner conflict that was being waged within his soul...to be placed in a position where his reputation, livelihood, and political career required his silence on all that was wrong with the Trump administration. And I enjoyed watching Kamala speak, her words were poised and elegant but she was equally out of integrity, in my opinion. Winning political office requires that you demonize your opponent, lead with what they’ve done wrong, and rarely publicly admit to anything they’ve done well or right. There is no common ground on the battlefield...

The history of the United States is filled with countless wars and battles. Have you ever thought that this might be embedded into our consciousness? That when we look at one another, we don’t see “fellow citizen”, but instead the patterns in our energy field send a signal to our brain that says “warning”, “potential threat”, “defend”, “attack”. War Consciousness. I was surprised to discover my Spirit Guides telling me months ago that this needed to be purged from my psyche. I say surprised, because I consider myself to be a pretty peaceful person. I generally oppose the concept of war and violence, I meditate regularly, I’m vegetarian, and I condemn mudslinging in the political arena.

But when I started to create social media posts that described the ways in which I agree with Trump, I hesitated. I “hated” (an that is an accurate and honest emotion that came up for me) the idea of agreeing with him on anything. I was strongly resistant to the idea of showing any modicum of support for him. I questioned my sanity and values that we recently kept ending up on the same side of an issue. It was this feeling of “hate” that was keeping me at war alongside the rest of the country. Not hate for Trump, but for the possibility of agreeing with him. It felt like “surrender”. It felt like befriending the enemy.

And therein lies the problem. If I can’t bring myself to agree with you on anything, then we can never stand side by side, we will always be head to head. If I can’t allow myself to find common ground with you, then I will always see you as the enemy and if I go on the offense, you must respond by immediately going on the defense. Many family relationships have ended over expressing support for Trump. Many people have been defriended for acknowledging that they agree with anything he says. How can we expect bipartisanship from our leaders when we can’t even practice it with those we love?

Such an odd thing to arrive at, but my spiritual evolution...my transmuting of this war consciousness energy, requires me to consciously start to acknowledge how I agree with Trump. Let me be clear, I do not plan to vote for Trump for a very, very, very long list of reasons including his inability to emphathize which I discussed previously, but to pretend that everything he’s done has been wrong, would be deliberate blindness. To not acknowledge the things I agree with him on lacks authenticity and integrity and only serves to mirror and reinforce the divisiveness that is crippling our country.

I agree with President Trumps desire to keep jobs in America and his focus on acknowledge the pain and suffering of white people (specifically white men) who can’t find work, whose towns have been gutted, and who have been left behind economically during the process of globalization and offshoring jobs. Even though white people have historically been the one’s with wealth and privilege, those whites who no longer have that status in society deserve to have a voice. It’s clear to me that Donald Trump’s motives are not altruistic (he wants power and he wants to stay in power) and he really doesn’t care about people in other countries getting exploited by the U.S. for their cheap labor, but I won’t let that stop me from acknowledging the things we do agree on.

I think President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed has been successful in getting a vaccine ready in record time, and securing doses for the U.S. population, even if it won’t be ready by the election. It usually takes four years to develop a vaccine and his efforts are largely responsible for making that happen in a year. I’m confident that the pain from the economic recession and job losses would have been greater if he hadn’t forced the issue of reopening the economy and ending lockdown measures early on.

I agreed with President Trump when he said that his getting COVID was a blessing and that you should not let fear of this illness run your life. I thought it was an empowering message for a president to give his citizens. I have been through several chronic health issues, walked through the fear, healed myself, and came out on the other side with a similar perspective. I learned to stop looking at illness as a bad thing and something to avoid at all costs, and instead view it as a teacher, an opportunity for spiritual transformation, or even just real time feedback of where I needed to focus my attention in improving my physical health.

What I’ve learned is that sometimes there is nothing else that will shift a person’s consciousness or trigger the release of suppressed emotions that are literally “killing” them, other than going through an illness. If you have ever witnessed firsthand the power of that purging process...like someone who faced cancer and emerged completely transformed...then maybe you might understand the depth of the inner conflict I feel when I’m asked to wear a mask to protect someone from illness or even the threat of death as a way to show my love.

I would support you by having compassion and understanding for your fear.

I would support you in healing and recovering from an illness.

I would support you in lessening your physical discomfort.


Please don’t ask me to show how much I care about you by helping you avoid the process that the divine intelligence of your cells are asking for.

Please don’t ask me to deny you the liberation on a soul level, that is waiting for you on the other side of that illness.

Please don’t ask me to deny the truth of my own healing experiences.

I passed by a Trump supporter in Home Depot. She was holding an American flag with TRUMP printed on it. I wanted to speak and connect with her but I didn’t know what to say. After writing this, I know what I’ll say next time. “Hello, I don’t plan on voting for Trump but I’ve recently discovered that we actually agree on some things...”