Meat Alternatives

The first time I noticed the number 166 was when I was in a grocery store a few years ago. It was in the UPC (Universal Product Code) of Impossible Foods, which offer alternative meat products that are plant based. I can’t remember why I focused in on the numbers in the product codes at the grocery store, but my thinking around that time was that altering ones behavior to not eat animals seemed important and so if I could find other food products that had similar UPC numbers, then maybe I could figure out what other behavior changes I needed to make.

I performed an exercise of analyzing the UPC codes of a large amount of items at the grocery store and I discovered a lot of things. But the only other food product I could find at that time with 166 in the UPC at that time was the Gardein plant based fish fillets.

I recently restarted the exercise of analyzing the UPC codes of products at the grocery store and will share what I’m finding with the numbers 166 in real-time. Looking at my other posts, 166 seems to definitely have an animal-theme /pattern but the other grocery store products I’m finding with 166 in the UPC, indicate that 166 might also be related to behavior changes that would 1) keep a person healthy or 2) keep the planet healthy.

Other Observations:

- 166 shows up in the Gematria numeric calculations for the phrase “Meat Alternative” and for the other dominant brand of meat alternatives in the United States right now “Beyond Meat”. See screenshots below. The number 333 shows up in one of Beyond Meat’s Gematria calculation.