Unlikely Animal Friendships

I don’t agree with having wild animals as pets or putting them on leashes, but overall I enjoyed watching different types of animals play together. And even though the babies playing with the large cats at the end freaked me out a bit, it just made me think that in a different version of Earth, the relationship between humans and animals could be one of love, kindness, and mutual respect.

I’m not religious or Christian, but this video reminded me of the Isiah 11:6 Bible Verse:

“The wolf shall dwell with the lamb,
    and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat,
and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together;
    and a little child shall lead them.”

Other Observations:

  • None

Dog Bonding With New Baby

I found this video on the DoDo channel on YouTube. I don’t believe in pet ownership in how it’s currently practiced or the language used referring to pet animals as children/brothers/sisters, but I did find the connection between the baby and the dog to be quite heart warming.

Other Observations:

  • This video has the number 333 and 74 (views) associated with it. From my experience, 74 seems to be related to trauma rehabilitation programs within the simulation.

Cat Who Likes To Surf

I came across this video randomly the other day. I have to say upfront that I don’t condone most current forms of pet ownership, including putting animals on leashes, and using parent/child references.

That said…what I love about this story is that the cat’s humans are recognizing that animals have inner lives and interests just like humans do. Animals want to feel close to nature and be by the beach and listen to waves just like humans. I applaud them for taking their cat with them and creating a space for the cat on the surf board. On the flip side, I believe that leaving an animal all day in an enclosed space without social interaction and without the ability to pursue its individual interests/curiosities/adventures is unkind and I think a blindspot for most humans who engage in pet ownership. I think we would be amazed to find out what types of things pets would be interested in doing with their free time — if we asked them.

I’ll be curious to see if I find other things with 333 in them related to animals that line up my thoughts or if some other pattern emerges…

Trader Joe's Oat Milk

Finding 3 consecutive threes in the grocery store has been rare for me but I have to admit I haven’t really been looking out for it. I was mostly focused on 16/166 but then some other things showed up in my reality that helped me understand 33/333 were also important/positive numbers. I’ve added this “333” category to continue to discover in real time what shows up with this numeric code and see what others find as well.


The only characteristic that lines up with the other 166 grocery items I’ve found are that this product is vegan/animal-free but there are plenty of other vegan milk products on the shelves without this code. So I’m not sure why this one has 333. It could be that the 333 serves as a general clue that drinking “any vegan milk” is a positive behavior change, instead of the code relating specifically to Trader Joe’s oat milk brand — that makes more sense to me.

I also noticed the UPC Code does not include any 7’s in it.

My only other thought is that 333 is 1/2 of 666 and I have noticed that one of the things that 666 has been directly associated with in my reality is eating animals. I’ll keep an eye out for this association and I might add a category with 666 on my website if I start to see a pattern.


I started focusing on the number “333” because it showed up in one of Gematria cipher calculation when I input the word “Empathy” which is in the title of my book. (see screenshot below). When I found this number, I hesitated a bit because it shows up in the Satanic Gematria cipher and at that time I didn’t know why a cipher would be called Satanic and I was very curious what that meant. I couldn’t find a ton of information on how this particular cipher was developed, but it’s possible this particular way of assigning numbers to letters might have been used by pagan or occult groups in the past. But in general, I learned that it’s not inherently “demonic” to utilize this cipher.

After that, a couple of things that I felt were very positive, showed up in my reality with 333 attached, so I continued to pay attention to this numeric code. And in 2023 I came across a television show where the number 33 kept showing up in the time stamps when the characters in the show evolved their consciousness, healed from past trauma, were able to express their emotions, and resolved conflict. I think it’s an important number so I decided to add it as a separate category on my website and see what I can find with this number in it.

I’m still deciding whether to include examples with just “33” in it, under this section of my website. I’m hesitant because I haven’t fully figured out how adjacent numbers play into things. For example, I’ve found that things which just 33 in them tend to be positive but for example, things that show up with 133 and 331 or 733 or 337 in it do not feel positive in nature. So I may just focus on “333” for right now and continue to observe the number 33 offline.

I will try to always include some sort of empathetic perspective in my analysis when I post things that contain the number 333.