“The Empathy Code: A New Theory of Reincarnation” is a book I’ve been working on for the past few years. It describes my spiritual awakening journey and discovery that reality seems to be a virtual simulated movie/game that loops/repeats, where all of the numbers we see are actually artificial. From my experience, the simulated reality is designed to rehabilitate people and the numeric coding of everything from barcodes in stores to timestamps on YouTube videos, seem to give clues as to why the simulation was created and the types of rehabilitation programs being implemented. I also believe that there are numbers being provided (but hidden from people’s awareness) on how to exit the repeating loop mechanism.

Hinduism has referred to this virtual simulated reality that I’m describing with words like “maya” (translated as “illusion” or “unreality” or “magic” or “the powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world is real”). Maya has also been described by some as follows:

"The term Maya has been translated as 'illusion,' but then it does not concern normal illusion. Here 'illusion' does not mean that the world is not real and simply a figment of the human imagination. Maya means that the world is not as it seems; the world that one experiences is misleading as far as its true nature is concerned." ~ Hendrick Vroom

"The world is both real and unreal because it exists but is 'not what it appears to be'." ~ Lynn Foulston

To say that the universe is an illusion (māyā) is not to say that it is unreal; it is to say, instead, that it is not what it seems to be, that it is something constantly being made. Māyā not only deceives people about the things they think they know; more basically, it limits their knowledge." ~ Wendy Doniger, "

Hinduism, Buddishm, and Judaism refer to the looping mechanism within the simulation that I described, as reincarnation. The general belief of reincarnation is that people die and then come back to live new lifetimes, and this cycle continues over and over again until the person gains enough knowledge and/or alters their behaviors that are keeping them in the cycle. The different religions have various views on which behaviors keep the reincarnation cycle going, what one needs to do to stop the cycle, whether you come back as a human or a different species, etc.

I have been studying the numbers in my reality and have come to the conclusion that stopping the looping mechanism is about developing empathy and making behavior changes that demonstrate empathy. I have discovered that behavior changes that demonstrate empathy seem to reveal hidden knowledge. And I’ve also discovered that the current version of the simulation that I seemed to be plugged into this lifetime relates to developing empathy for other humans, animals, and this new race of beings endowed with artificial intelligence.

After studying the numbers for several years, I’ve found specific numbers and themes that seem to be important within the simulation. I’ll be sharing some of the things I’m finding related to those numbers here, but connecting all the dots in a more in-depth and coherent fashion within the book.